Sunday, October 19, 2014

Eucalyptus Day 7 Essential and TherapEutic oil of a 90 day video challenge

Eucalyptus Day 7 Essential and Therapeutic oil of a 90 day video challenge


There are many Health Benefits !!~~
Anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, stimulating. colorless and has a distinctive taste and odor !!~~
Used  in Aromatherapy !!~~

Eucalyptus essential ois is obtained from fresh leaves of a tall, evergreen eucalyptus tree, know as fever tree, blue gum tree or String bark tree depending on where it is located in the world .

Eucalyptus is native to Australia and has spread in theb past few centuries to other parts of the world including India, Europe, South Africa.
used in Rubs , inhalers, rash creams, and mouth wash,.







Wednesday, October 15, 2014

doTERRA ESSENTIAL THERAPUTIC OILS day 6 30day challenge ~~ quit smoking !!

doTERRA ESSENTIAL THERAPUTIC OILS day 6 30day challenge ~~ quit smoking !! 


Is the Leading cause of cancer ~~

Increase your risk of Heart attacks

Increase Risk for Stokes

Increases your risk for Lung Disease

Increases your Risk of Bone Fractures

Increases your Risk for cataracts

Ideas To Help You Quit
  1. Make a list. Write down all motivating reasons that brought you to the decision to quit. Post it somewhere as a constant reminder.
  2. Set a date. Having a goal – this could be weeks or months into the future — will allow you to stay focused and committed.
  3. Change it up. Switch to a brand of cigarettes that you don’t like.
  4.  Just stop. Don’t stop smoking cold turkey, but maybe set guidelines for yourself. Agree to stop smoking during certain hours of the day and gradually increase this time period. Soon enough, there won’t be any time left for a smoke.
  5. Make another list. This time, write down things that make you happy, joyful, and calm. When the temptation comes — choose these activities instead of smoking.
  6. Crafty you. Learn a new craft or skill…something that requires the use of your hands (i.e. knitting, drawing/sketching, cooking, crocheting, sewing, gardening…). I highly recommend learning new skills by taking a few online classes with Craftsy!
  7. Save your money. In a tucked away corner of your living space, place a jar. Fill it with the money you save from buying less cigarettes. You’ll be amazed! 
The use of doTERRA ESSENTIAL OILS is a safe and natural way to help alleviate irritability, anxiety, stress, fatigue and nervousness – which are most often symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal.
Oils such as…
Quit Smoking Mixture
Mix 1 ounce of fractionated coconut, olive, or jojoba oil with 12 drops of any combination of ylang ylang, wild orange, chamomile, marjoram, and/or grapefruit pure essential oils. Store in a small glass dropper or roller top bottle. Apply oil to skin under nose or to a cotton ball and inhale with several deep breaths when the urge to smoke arises. 




Sandra Copeland !!~~



Dr Gupta 

Coach Tara Woodruff 

Read this article by Dr. Steuer to learn how choosing a healthy lifestyle can help your prevent rather than repair illness:

“Prevention is, by nature, much more powerful and thus medically sound. As our lives change and choices become habits, our future is altered … It is the culmination of daily choices that will create the sum total of our healthcare outcomes; do we chose to repair or prevent?"  


Wednesday, October 1, 2014



Some of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are:
  • irritability
  • impatience
  • hostility
  • anxiety
  • depressed mood
  • difficulty concentrating
  • restlessness
  • decreased heart rate
  • increased appetite or weight gain  

dōTERRA's Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade black pepper essential oil is a multi-purpose oil that is extracted from the unripe red fruit of the Piper nigrum plant. A stimulating and highly antioxidant essential oil which has been shown to improve circulation, aid digestive system, as well as help curb urges to smoke. Black pepper is also a wonderful flavor enhancer but a little goes a long way - use sparingly.   

On Guard is dōTERRA®'s unique, proprietary blend formulated to support healthy immune function. Wild orange essential oil, combined with clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary offer a fragrant, natural and effective alternative to synthetic options for immune support. On Guard, with its unique aroma, is one of our most versatile blends. It is also safe to use on counter tops, as a non-toxic way to cleanse surfaces, or to purify the atmosphere by diffusing. On Guard is superb for eliminating and controlling pathogens due to the potency of its constituents. For aromatic, topical, or dietary use.   

Using oils to stop smoking is so different from many other treatment method because they address the addiction and the withdrawal symptoms together.
Stop Smoking with Essential Oils (doTerra Regimen)
Overall Help:
Take 3-4 drops each of On Guard Oil Blend and Grapefruit Oil daily – place in capsule and ingest **Use only doTerra Oils, they are safe for taking internally   
doTerra Black Pepper essential oil. Every time you feel that craving, drop a few drops of the Black Pepper oil under your tongue. If that doesn’t take away the craving completely, drop 1 drop of Clove on your tongue. This will numb your tongue and the craving will go away!  

Grapefruit's fresh, invigorating aroma is sure to uplift the mood and please the senses. Pressed from the rind, grapefruit is more than just a fresh scent, its cleansing and invigorating properties have made it a favorite among essential oil lovers. For topical, aromatic, or dietary use.  



I am also using Hypnotism to Quit !!~~



Saturday, September 20, 2014

doTERRA Essentail Theraputic oils Day 4 30 day video challenge

doTERRA Essentail Theraputic oils Day 4 30 day video challenge

Zendocrine Softgels support your body’s natural detoxification system with a proprietary blend of Tangerine, Rosemary, Geranium, Juniper Berry, and Cilantro essential oils. Zendocrine helps cleanse the body of toxins and free radicals that can slow the body’s systems down, leaving a heavy, weighted feeling. This powerful blend combines Rosemary, Cilantro, and Juniper Berry, known for their detoxifying properties and ability to support healthy liver function, while Tangerine and Geranium have purifying effects against unwanted substances in the body. Quantity: 60 SoftgelsDIRECTIONS FOR USETake 1 softgel two to three times daily as needed. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Store in a cool, dry place. KEY INGREDIENTS AND BENEFITSTangerine Peel: extremely high in limonene, known for its purifying benefits - Rosemary Flower/Leaf: supports a healthy liver and gallbladder - Geranium Plant: supports the body’s natural ability to rid itself of unwanted substances - Juniper Berry: powerful detoxifier for the body’s systems - Cilantro Leaf:supports the body’s natural process of eliminating toxins* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.






Monday, September 15, 2014



Blend Ingredients
Bergamot Cinnamon Cistus absolute Cocoabean Jasmine absolute Patchouli Rose absolute Sandalwood Vanilla bean extract Vetiver Ylang Ylang complete

The following observations about WhisperTM is from Juli Thanks for her thoughtful research.
Helps depression, anxiety, apprehension, compulsiveness, is anti fungal and an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, a circulation decongestant, tissue regeneration, immune stimulant, tonic, relaxing, anti-depressant, sedative, treats anxiety and is an aphrodisiac, febrifuge, and treats diarrhea, acne and scars. This oil is valuable in the treatment of skin conditions and nervous system and for stress related imbalances.
Helps Anxiety, depression stress, tension, emotional imbalance, despondency, negativity, obsession, regret, shyness..
Helps cynicism, recurring dreams, insecurity, irritability, listlessness, nervousness, procrastination, self- centeredness, self-critical, anxiety, tension, mood swings and promotes intuition, perseverance, security, self-esteem. Helps with Balancing, circulation and respiratory decongestant, diuretic, hormone balancer, relaxing, tonic, male aphrodisiac, treats inflamed skin and is a mental upliftment. It is antiseptic, calming, sedative, anti fungal, treats cystitis, coughs, dry skin, weeping/inflamed skin, eczema and athlete's foot. Is called "heart wood" because it comes from the heart of the tree, oily skin, improves lymphatic flow (with Grapefruit) and venous congestion (with Cypress); toning to the muscles and the nerves, toning muscles, excellent for UTI /bladder infections (great with Lemon and Oregano), internally it will go to the liver to be converted to a water soluble molecule and will then go to the kidneys; great for sperm count and raising testosterone levels; can be topical with heat too. This oil is beneficial to the respiratory system and skin, especially for fungus related conditions. As a masculine oil, it aids the reproductive system for impotence, the nervous system for stress and anxiety.
Rose Absolute:
Attachment, bereavement, envy grief, irritability, fretfulness, regret, sadness, anxiety, frigidity, depression, insomnia and mental fatigue, and promotes self awareness It is an astringent, antiseptic, it is softening, and a tonic. It is a female aphrodisiac, hormonal regulator, treats female reproductive problems, and is relaxing, soothing, an anti-depressant and a sedative. It treats PMT, infertility, is anti-inflammatory and helps dry skin. This oil aids in conditions related to the reproductive and nervous systems and the skin.
Jasmine Absolute 
Helps apathy, lack of concentration, distant, detached feelings, emotional outbursts, jealousy, analytical, rigidity, sadness, secretiveness, shyness, depression , listlessness, nervous debility, anxiety. It is a tonic, astringent, vulneraria, is soothing, relaxing, treats lethargy, and is an aphrodisiac. It is emotionally warming, and analgesic, sedative, is uplifting and helps with coughing, aiding labor contractions and dry skin. This oil is valuable in treating disorders of the reproductive and nervous system as well as the skin and has been called a cell-regenerator. It will help with the elasticity of the skin and will diminish pigmentation on the face when used in conjunction with an exfoliator.
Helps with held grudges, inability to forgive, debility, depression, infection, pathogens, especially bladder, mouth rinse, gingivitis, surface cleansing, diffusion, speeds body metabolism, digestion, stimulates circulation, reduce blood sugar, cholesterol (both, reduces lipid production), stomach ulcers (Cinnamon), COX1,2 inhibitor – anti-inflammatory (arthritis). Is a stimulant, aphrodisiac, sudorific, analgesic, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide, expectorant, emmenagogue, treats parasites, is a nerve tonic, respiratory tonic, circulation stimulant, is warming and an astringent. is skin toning and treats lice and scabies. This oil assist the circulatory system, digestive system, skin and immune system.
Citrus Absolute:
anxiety, debility, insomnia, bitterness, depression, frustration. These types of oils aid the nervous system , digestive system. skeletal system, and skin. its antiseptic properties may benefit other systems where infection may be prevalent such as respiratory or urinary systems. They are also relaxing and relieve headaches. A valuable detoxifier, and benefits the lymphatic system.
Vetiver: Helps with ADD/ADHD and helps calm the mind. Is an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, insect repellent, relaxing, hepatic, calms digestive disturbances, and is also anti- depressant, aphrodisiac, helps with muscular aches, pains, oily skin and stress. This oil is wonderful for the nervous and muscular system in alleviating stress and tension.
Ylang Ylang:
helps with anger, detached feelings, guild, hostility, impatience, irrational behavior, irritability, jealousy, stubbornness, anxiety, depression, frigidity, impotence, tension, post natal depression, rapid breathing, shock, fear. It is anti-spasmodic, balancing in effect, a nerve tonic, an aphrodisiac, sedative, immune stimulant, relaxing , antidepressant, general tonic, helps with high blood pressure and palpitations. Great with Clary Sage for hormones, childbirth, to stimulate uterine contractions, I would choose Lavender for a son. Ylang Ylang very strong and powerful in very small amounts. This essential oil is beneficial to both the circulatory and nervous systems.
Cocoa Bean Extract;
Cocoa Butter contains natural antioxidants that give it a long shelf life of over 3 years. It is naturally rich in Vitamin E as well as a number of other vitamins and minerals. Vitamin E helps to soothe, hydrate, and balance the skin and also provides the skin collagen which assists with wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Cocoa Butter also contains cocoa mass polyphenol (CMP), a substance that inhibits the production of the immuno globulin IgE. IgE is known to aggravate symptoms of both dermatitis and asthma. For centuries pregnant women have used to Cocoa Butter formulations to prevent and treat stretch marks, but this pleasant-smelling substance is added to countless other topical preparations. Lotions and oils containing Cocoa Butter are often used in aromatherapy massage to promote relaxation and the feeling well-being. Research indicates that massaging the skin with Cocoa Butter may help relieve stress, boost the immune system, and even prevent cancer. This is because Cocoa Butter, like chocolate, contains a lot of CMP and there is some evidence that the CMP in Cocoa Butter may also help prevent heart disease and ease arthritic symptoms. Cocoa Butter is mainly used is a thickening agent and is a common ingredient in lipsticks, soaps and emollient creams. It is also a folk remedy for burns, cough, dry lips, fever, malaria, rheumatism, snakebite and wounds. It is reported to be antiseptic and diuretic.
Vanilla Bean Extract:
Vanilla beans are a misnomer. The long, thin pods of the vanilla orchid are actually the mature fruit of the orchid plant. It is one of the most expensive spices in the world to produce, being both labor and time intensive. The sweet, bland flavor is one of the most popular the world over, and while it is considered plain', it is really a complex layering of sweet and spicy flavors that have been used for centuries to flavor everything from chocolate to milk.








Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 2 30 day VIDEO CHALLENGE Essential Therapeutic oils

Day 2 30 day VIDEO CHALLENGE  Essential Therapeutic oils ~~~ BALANCE !!~~

Dr. Susan Lawton explains Balance. Everyone experiences moments of disconnectedness or anxiety. The warm woody aroma of Balance, doTERRA's grounding blend, creates a sense of calm and well-being. We perfectly blend spruce, rosewood, franincense, and blue tansy to offer an enticing fragrance which  

Blend Ingredients
Rosewood Blue Tansy Frankincense Ho Wood Spruce

This Blend Addresses
Anxiety Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Nervousness
Application Techniques
Balancing blends contain oils that are geared toward the central nervous system and other body systems. If there are times when you feel confused, doubtful, unsettled, or in need of a sense of well-being, a balancing blend may be an excellent option.
For children who deal with ADD, ADHD, autism or bi-polar conditions, use a balancing blend to calm and balance moods.
For those who suffer mood swings, anxiety, temper problems or doldrums, a balancing blend may help calm and balance their emotions.
Diffusion is the most effect method of enjoying a balancing blend.
Use an inhaler or cup and tissue for school, office or on the go.
Direct application with massage to the feet, neck and back can be effective.
During times of anxiety for children, consider a massage application to their feet, neck, shoulders or back.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day 1 of a 30 day video challenge essentail therapetic oils

Day 1 of a 30 day video challenge essentail therapetic oils

Calming Blend Stress is a major contributor to illness and disease, Serenity is a blend composed of individual oils with known calming properties which create a sense of well-being and relaxation. Lavender, sweet marjoram, roman chamomile, ylang ylang, sandalwood and vanilla bean create a subtle aroma ideal for aromatic diffusion or topical application. Applied to the bottom of the feet at bedtime, dōTERRA®'s Serenity is an excellent way to promote restful sleep. Added to a warm bath Serenity creates the perfect escape with its peaceful, renewing fragrance. For topical or aromatic use.
CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade ® essential oils are guaranteed to be pure, natural, and free of synthetic compounds or contaminates. dōTERRA essential oils are subjected to rigorous mass spectrometry and gas chromatography testing to ensure extract composition and activity. dōTERRA essential oils represent the safest and most beneficial essential oils available today ♥ 
for more info >>
Serenity is an excellent way to promote restful sleep. Added to a warm bath Serenity creates the perfect escape with its peaceful, renewing fragrance. For topical or aromatic use

Be sure to come to my event COME TO MY EVENT 



Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sandalwood is My Favorite #EssentialOil

  • SANDALWOOD (Santulum Albam) One of the oldest Perfume, has been used for at least two thousand years. Personalty the one Perfume I prefer .EXTRACTION DISTILLED:Family: Santalaccae Co 2 :The scent is balming, soft, warm and Woody. The tree begins producing oil after thirty years, and from the heart wood and some roots. Mysore, India, has high quality oil, which the government tries to regulate, but wild trees have been endangered for some time. We recommend cultivated Australian or Indonesia Sandalwood. In India, the oil is often Distilled with another plant at the same time to create an alter, although this ter is not always used correctly.MEDICINAL ACTION:Once a gonorrhea treatment, Sandalwood is still used for genital and urinary infection. It also counters inflammation, hemorrhoids, persistant cough, nausea, throat problems, and some types of nerve pain and fungal infection.AYURVEDA:Co 2 {pv-ka} (mm)Safed Chandan: Sankrit: Chandana A paste or emulsion made from the wood is used as a cooling dressing to treat swelling, over heated conditions and hot skin eruption, such as prickly heat. The essential oil is used to extract scabies outbreaks. The powdered wood is drunk in coconut milk to alleviate intense thirst or heat or sweetened and mixed with rice water for dysentery. Chakras:SANDALWOOD: Is an aphrodisiac and offers further rounding to transition from the first Chakra :EMOTIONS : Sandalwood improves depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia. Helps promote spiritual practices, peaceful relaxation, openness, and "rounding" and it comforts mourners during funeral ceremonies.ASSOCIATED OILS:Australian sandalwood (S. Spication) Very similar to Indian Sandalwood. Two newer oils from Australia are Siyasi and S. Austrcalidonicum: COSMETIC:Suitable for all hair and complexion types. Sandalwood is especially useful on rashes, inflammation, and mature DRY,ACNE-PRON, OR CHAPPED skin, and dry hair. It hastens the repair of damaged skin and reduces scarring. The essential oil inhibits Herpes simplex virus from replicating in the laboratory, working on the virus before itis absorbed and in a different manner then the drug acclovir. Rather then directly killing the infection. it seems to help cell protect themselves by reinforcing their protective envelopes and modulating liver process.SUSTAINABILITY:Sandalwood has a long history of being over harvested everywhere it is grown and it is difficult to cultivate and grows very slowly taking Twenty to Fifty years to reach Maturity. This parasite tree must be placed near a host tree while growing especially in its early years. It feeds off many species but seems to prefer a host plant that fixes nitrogen,such ad ones in the Acaciagenus. Seventeen Species of Sandalwood grow in the Pacific from Hawaii to Indonesia, into Australia and across the Indian ocean to India .
  • SOURCE : Aromatherapy: A complete Guide to the healing Arts :: pgs 20- 169-172,173- 209-224-225-226-152-153-
  • Please visit my Website today to Discover SandalWood!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Essential Oil Spotlight of the February #Melissa

Melissa officinalis

MELISSA or Lemon Balm
One of the most Expensive Essential oils, Citrus like fragrance Know to Herbalists as "Lemon Balm ".

This European Native flavors many Liqueurs : Including Chartreuse , Cordial' Medoc , Aromatique ,and Alpenkrauter

 Distilled from leaves-sent is soft, lemony .
The Ratio of the two main Lemon like components,
Citral and Citronellal -
varies considerably depending on where it is grown and maturity of the plant >
Citronellal compounds tend to concentrate in older leaves .
In addition, both compounds are rapidly lost when the plant is dried and stored.
The Plant actually contains a relatively low amounts of essential oil (0.05 to 0.3 Percent )
The exception is some Mediterranean Cultures, Particularly from Spain, but still only 0.4 percent .
Not easily distilled Expensive, Low-yielding oil is often
adulterated with less costly Lemon, Lemon grass,
Citronella, litsea, Lemon Catnip, or even Lemon Eucalyptus .

Melissa is used to treat Lung congestion, high blood pressure,
Menstrual Pain Relief and Sometimes infertility >
It counters indigestion. Calming digestive track muscles and providing Pain Relief.
Decreases inflammation and fights viral and Bacterial infection
such as Staphylococcus.
Cosmetic/Skin Very Gental on Sensitive Skin .
Lemon Balm is a very good Antiseptic and Antioxidant
for complexion, dermatitis, inflammation, allergies ,
insect bits, and skin infection >
Melissa antiviral properties have been shown in studies to be particularly
effective against both herpes virus 1 and 2 ,
as well a related Chicken Pox.

Melissa was the main ingredient in The Medieval Carmelite
water along with lemon peel , nutmeg, coriander, and angelica .
(and splash on to improve complexion )
It is still produced as Eau de Melissa de Carnes and The German Klosterfrau Melissengeist.
Melissa Sedative action helps shock, distress, depression,
nervousness, anger, fear, forgetfulness and insomnia.
The famous Herbal healer Avicenna founded that it elevated mood,
and Gerard declared that it "maketh the heart merry, joyful, strengthen= the vital spirit "

LEMON CATNIP : (Nepeta Cataric) Grown for essential oil production
Excellent For cockroach- flee and mosquito repellent .


Further Reading:

To purchase Essential Oils go here:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Using Oregano Oil to Heal Colds

** Disclaimer, this is my Opinion and experience, I am not a Doctor. This is the way my Daughter and Grand Daughter healed their Cold

 The Video Tara Watched to make her own Oil of Oregano


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dream within a Dream: Elephant Man.

I just wanted to make sure I shared this blog from my grand daughter and her experience with Ganesha.

Dream within a Dream: Elephant Man.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

7 "NEW" Uses of Oregano Oil For Health

The reason I say new, is because in our modern times the western world has grown accustomed to depending on "Modern Medicine" So much that our country Loads our food products with Antibiotics as a norm.

I want to reintroduce you to something "Old". Oregano Oil.

Hippocrates used oregano as an antiseptic, as well as a cure for stomach and respiratory ailments. A Cretan oregano (O. dictamnus) is still used today in Greece as a palliative for sore throat.[9]
Oregano is high in antioxidant activity, due to a high content of phenolic acids and flavonoids.[10][11] In test-tube studies, it also has shown antimicrobial activity against strains of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.[10]
In the traditional Austrian medicine Origanum vulgare herb has been used internally (as tea) or externally (as ointment) for treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, and nervous system.[12]
Oregano is high in antioxidant activity, due to a high content of phenolic acids and flavonoids.[10][11] In test-tube studies, it also has shown antimicrobial activity against strains of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.[10]
In the traditional Austrian medicine Origanum vulgare herb has been used internally (as tea) or externally (as ointment) for treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, and nervous system.[12] []

There are numerous  articles and testimonies in regards to people healing Tooth Pain with the use of Oregano Oil. AND many Many More! Here is an article that tell us all the different ways that Oregano can be used for health GO HERE NOW

  1. Immune System Boost
  2. Anti-Inflammatory
  3. Anti-Fungal
  4. Antioxidant
  5. Anti-parasitic
  6. Anti Viral
  7. Antibitotic


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Related Articles:

doTERRA, Essential Oils, Sandraji Lynn, Oregano oil